Our clients say

Through the years we’ve assisted some very interesting clients from a variety of sectors. Here is what they’ve had to say about our work.

“I just wanted to drop a quick note and thank you for your training. I think think it went very well and what I thought was particular useful for folks was the pragmatic way that you discussed how to facilitate. You engage quickly and effectively and initial feedback indicated that the participants were pleased.”

“Fabulous job today – thanks very much! It was the most productive 2½ hours our Board has ever spent.”

“The Energy Minister advised that he passed a royalty payback incentive program last week. He mentioned that the genesis of the program came from your report. It is good to see all of your hard work has paid off – congratulations!”

“Thank you for the meeting reports, your excellent management of our meetings and your wonderful support over several years, but especially the last six months. Without you we’d be gone.”

“Bill was the most effective facilitator I have worked with in my career.”

“They have given us the tools to enable us to manage ourselves better and they’ve shown us how to use those tools. They analyzed our situation very well. Everyone on our management team has been quite pleased.”

“HOLY OLD %$-#-&-~%! … I am having a hard time keeping up with the sheer volume of documents you are creating … how the $%^ are you doing this? You are an animal!!!”

“The work on this project was amazing. Overview pulled together the text, made sense of the numbers (more so than even the accountants working on it) and made a compelling yet easy-to-read story. They made it look easy! Working with Overview, I didn’t feel panicked by the tight deadlines. I could go on and on. “

“Holy @&&$! You’re not just a pretty face, you’re a freakin genius!! (Notice how your report has reduced me to common language.) I just finished reading the report and you’ve actually made sense of the past three years of my work.”

“Thank you for getting the output documentation to me so quickly. The feedback I received has been very positive … excellent facilitation.”