
  • The beginning

    An introductory chat is easy to arrange — can be done over the phone, over coffee, or over a work-out. If it looks like a fit, we can begin to work together to generate some traction. Contact us now and we’ll start the wheels turning. Phone: (403) 703-6837 E-mail: Contact information Overview Business Consulting Inc. Address: […]

  • Our clients say

    Through the years we’ve assisted some very interesting clients from a variety of sectors. Here is what they’ve had to say about our work. “I just wanted to drop a quick note and thank you for your training. I think think it went very well and what I thought was particular useful for folks was […]

  • Our resources

    Overview Business Consulting calls upon a diverse assemblage of personal and professional experiences to create unified and do-able solutions. Our team of contractors — each an entrepreneur in his/her own right — offers credentials including: MBAs and Masters degrees in other disciplines Certified Management Consultant (CMC) standing Undergraduate degrees in: Commerce Economics Engineering Geography Journalism Political […]

  • Our approach

    Overview’s SAM-I-AM cycle depicts our disciplined approach to any client challenge. Your needs and unique characteristics determine the emphasis applied to each of these steps. Strategic Assessment: The right place to start — no use solving the wrong problems! Mobilization: Deciding to enter the race — and firing the gun. The end result being an […]

  • About us

    Consultants bring you a mixed bag of benefits: external perspective, new tools or processes or paradigms, insight, extra arms and legs. At Overview Business Consulting, we don’t pretend to be the expert in your business: you are the expert. But we believe we can help you get results — get them efficiently — and make […]